NYC is known for its dog walkers.
Why choose Oh To Be A Dog?

With our GPS notifications you know when we arrived, where we went and how long your dog was walked.
Plus, you get cute photos and a note!
The staff at OTBAD is made up of actual employees not independent contractors.
This means they are dedicated to the company and therefore to your dogs.
We conduct background checks and everyone goes through training.
We use our own leashes with a special safety attached. This enables us to be clipped to the harness and the collar.
If the collar were to fail or the dog were to slip out, we would still be connected to the collar.
We work with Pet Check Technology to provide a seamless experience when scheduling,
making payments, and communicating with us.

The Beginning

Founder | Shannon Arnold

I was fortunate to be adopted into an Italian family where being an entrepreneur was at the forefront. My mother started a women’s networking and referral business in 1977. I began working at a young age, because that is what we did as Italians, join the family business. I always say I got the best business education being surrounded by not only my mother, but hundreds of empowering female business owners. How could I not follow this path?

It was not until later, where I left the family business to pursue something new, that I realized dog care was not only a career, but a business. I have always had a love for animals, especially dogs. Despite being bit at the age of 2, yeah, that is another story. I joke that it made me like Peter Parker, I am part dog now.

I started in the dog daycare environment. I worked at the way bottom all the way to helping businesses open. It was when I got a summer job in Santa Fe at a daycare that was run by trainers who taught me so much about dog behavior and the positive way to teach dogs, even in a chaotic environment, that I knew I could have my own business and do it differently. I soaked up as much as I could from them and even went through an online training course with the amazing Jean Donaldson.

In 2010 Oh To Be A Dog was born. It has and always will be about the dogs first. We pride ourselves on care and most of all safety.

Our Rock Star Walkers

Nick Iacovino
Pet Care Manager

Rudy Galvan

Laura Flores

Nicholas Buchanan

Whitney Harris - Floater